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Admission For Pre -Nursery

Registration Forms will be available at School Reception between 8.00 am to 1.30 pm on working days. Forms duly completed are to be deposited along with two photographs, and date of birth certificate from the Municipal Corporation, Aadhar card of the Student, Father, and Mother.


Admission Procedure for new students
from classes I to IX and XI

A student has to appear at school between 8.00 am to 1.30 pm on working days with School Leaving Certificate and the current Result from the previous school. Then the student/guardian can fill up and submit the form at reception and the staff present at the reception will take care of further procedure.


  1. The student's admission depends on his/her performance in the written test/interview and the student’s extra-curricular record.

  2. Parents are advised to fill out the application form carefully and correctly taking particular care in entering the date of birth and spelling of names.

  3. Submission of Application Form does not guarantee admission, it will strictly depend on the student’s performance in the written test and interview.

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